Friday, August 31, 2007


For the past week I've been suffering a somewhat crippling case of insomnia. Come bed time, falling asleep is impossible, yet during the day it's kinda all I wanna do. This is a problem since I have other things I need to do during the day. I've been getting things done at a frightfully slow pace.

Still, last night, thanks to Netflix and our PS3, Jason and I popped in the new animated Dr. Strange movie. I really hope Marvel takes a look around at the competition (cough, DC's animated series) and sees that SIMPLE IS BETTER for animation. Their horrific blend of airbrush shading, CGI backgrounds and stilted character action makes me long for Hanna Barbera.

Friday, August 24, 2007

movie reviews: superbad and the simpsons

I saw Superbad today, and couldn't wait to come and post a review for it. I saw Simpsons about 2 weeks ago, and just now remembered it existed. Make of that what you will.

the simpsons movie

Thursday, August 23, 2007

mad world

Are you obsessed with Mad Men like I am? You should be. AMC is going to run a marathon of the first 7 episodes on Labor Day Weekend Sunday (Sept. 2). You should ironically use your 2007 DVR to record a new series set in 1960. It is smart, funny, a tad soapy, and stars Elizabeth "Zoey Bartlet"Moss from The West Wing, plus many dapper gentlemen in suits (who are often very un-gentlemenly).

You can also get them on itunes, which can then go on your ipod (something that did not exist in 1960, or the year 2000 for that matter).

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

the ocean deep

Of all the sea creatures I've drawn in the past few days, its the Great White that's given me the most trouble.

sea creatures

You'd think that drawing creatures with loose/no skeletal structures would be easy. But you would be wrong.

Monday, August 20, 2007

the end of summer

Even though tells me its in the 80's outside, I find that hard to believe. I'm over you summer, and I'm super over august. How over summer am I? Well, while patrolling my art blogs this morning I came across this image from Mike Laughed that made my stomach lurch (in a good way):

Seeing the fall colors like that...the oranges, golds, and black made me yearn for October. So much so that today I bought Murphy a Halloween themed stuffed bone at Petco.

inflatable puppy

Speaking of Puppy, we had a bit of a scare the other day. I woke up and his eyes were swollen shut with puss. Near as we can tell, he got something in his eye, and in an attempt to get it out he scratched his corneas. After a trip to the vet, he was relegated to wearing a radar dish, but now I've gotten him an inflatable ring collar, which should make it easier for him to eat and move about. And float.

On the graphic novel front, I have two more pieces of art I want to complete before I send the pitch out to my agent. Fingers crossed I get them done today.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

round four

This is my fourth blog. That sounds somewhat pathetic, but keep in mind that I've been doing this for over 7 years via 4 different domains. I thought it would be nice to have a personal blog somewhere that's going to be consistent, instead of shipping archives off all over the place. still functions as a place to see new work and movie reviews, but as a blog it's fallen a bit by the wayside. As for as shopping goes, is where its at.

If you're a new reader, here are the Basics: I'm 26 year old writer/illustrator from Texas living in Los Angeles with his boyfriend (referred to as "Boy" for no real reason) and our dog Murphy. I draw comics, paint, pitch TV shows, graphic design, opening titles, and eat Chipotle with glee.